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winter: planning, education and entertainment

Tim taking a punt over the wall Feeling inspired toward mountains by last weeks mint weather (and inspired toward my laptop by todays storm force wind and rain) I thought I’d put together a list of resources I use to aid my planning and decision making on winter...


In April Dave Rudkin, Jon Ratcliffe, Lee Roberts and I left North Wales for a climbing trip to Taghia; a small village in the  Atlas mountains of Morocco. The crux of the trip came early with 4AM monster queues at Manchester airport testing team resolve. We might...

Mountaineering on Skye

Routine: a usual set of activities or way of doing things. Patterns are part of the world we live in and us humans are pattern spotters. “That strategy worked last time, this situation seems similar; I’ll act similarly and things should work similarly”. We create...

1042 hPa

I’m in Scotland for a few weeks. Murdoch was free at the weekend and noting the exceptional forecast we felt duty bound to max a day out. Our past Christmas outings have tended to be ‘fun’. No ledge shuffling or late finishes. So something good, but...